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Information according to the German Teleservices Act (TDG) and the State Media Services Agreement (MDStV) 

Responsible for content in accordance with 10 section 3 MDStV:
  • Hartwig Hils (Headmater)
  • Rita Schmid (Director of Residence)
  • Joachim Ott, Christian Mehrmann (Webmaster)
School Board:

School Foundation of the Archdiocese of Freiburg
Bismarckallee 14
79098 Freiburg
Telephone: +49 761/2188-564
Fax: +49 761/2188-556
E-Mail: sekretariat [at] schulstiftung-freiburg [dot] de
Website: www.schulstiftung-freiburg.de

The School Foundation is an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. Authorized person: Dietfried Scherer, Foundation Director

Responsible supervisory authority:

School Foundation of the Archdiocese of Freiburg

Münzgasse 1
79098 Freiburg
Telephone: 0761/2188-564
Fax: 0761/2188-556
E-Mail: sekretariat [at] schulstiftung-freiburg [dot] de
Website:  www.schulstiftung-freiburg.de

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