Logo Klosterwald Menü Students in the courtyard

Life in the boarding school

Life in a boarding school is characterized by co-existence in a community of many peers. In this community, the girls experience security, appreciation and attention. It does not replace the family, but does offer many opportunities to directly experience all the social facets of living together in a group. This community is sometimes quite strenuous. It requires the continuous development of social skills and competences. This development leads to greater independence and a good assessment of each girl's own abilities.

Christian character and values

The Benedictines, in the construction of the boarding school, established a fundamental Christian character for our institution which has continued, since that time. Participation in Sunday Mass, the celebration of Christian festivals, prayer and meditation all belong, as a matter of course, to the rhythm of our year. Learning about and practicing Christian values happens in daily interactions. The girls know that they have to take responsibility for their actions; they show consideration for the younger and the weaker, and they give each other support in many areas of life.

Achievement and success

The clear daily structure provides the framework for an enabling rhythm of life. Learning, community work and leisure have also their firm place in each day. The regular and supervised work hours in the afternoon promote capacity for performance and thus successful learning. Through the mentoring system, the girls help each other and learn to take responsibility. Additional individual funding is possible.


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